• October 4
    John Payne, age " way too old", asked:

    How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

    Prof. Foletta answers:

    Dear err... John:

    Thank you for visiting me.

    The answer to your question depends on the length of the licking tongue and the Pavlovian saliva factor. That is, a small kitten may take a lick or two and lose interest. So the time would be infinite with the lick count holding at two unless you have tons of kittens.
    However, if it is a large dog we are talking about and you just waved a tootsie roll over head, he will bypass the licking and down the tootsie roll in one gulp. In that case the time is near zero and the number of licks is zero; so watch your fingers!

    -Prof. Foletta

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